If you built and play with Lego® Trains, you might recognize already, that the turnouts are not really optimal. Mainly regarding the double-curved turnout track, which makes it hard especially for longer locomotives and cars to pass.
There are many ways to change the turnout design to make it more workable for track layouts. I like my solution especially, because it forgives inaccurate cutting, at least with a certain tolerance. Other methods require a very exact cutting which might be difficult to achieve.

Because of the changed geometry of the turnout, you need some additional offset tracks as well to be able to connect the tracks properly again without gap. There are different possibilities regarding the length of the offset tracks.
The instruction below (free download) describes step by step the modification of the turnout as well as the modification of the offset tracks. Many pictures in the instruction help to get a clear understanding about what to do.
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any damages or injury on parts and humans happen while following this instruction. Everything you do is your responsibility and under your personal risk
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