(known from the blockbuster “The Olsen Gang On The Track” from 1975)
First of all, many thanks to moeffe. He provided me with a lot of very useful information about this legendary building, which has in reality a long history. If you want to know more about it, follow the links below. Most of the info is in Danish. But Google is doing a great job here, translating the pages.
In general, my MOC follows the condition of the command post as it was in the movie 1975. So, all the buildings look from the outside (and “The Yellow Palace also from the inside) as they were in the movie - more or less. But due to the lack of information, sometimes I “leave” this concept and mix it with the reality. For example, the interior of “Hotel Carlo” follows a floor plan, I found in internet. And sometimes, I follow my own inspiration and ideas, which I call “artistic freedom”. And not to forget: we talk about Lego® bricks. Naturally you have to make compromises.

All the modules follow the “design-first-function-second-concept”. Nevertheless, all of the buildings (except the conjunction building between “The Yellow Palace” and “Hotel Carlo”) have interior - rooms and furniture. All the interiors are optional and not necessary, if your focus is the outside view only. They are designed as separate modules which can be added to the building or not. The interior modules, you can find always at the end of the respective building instruction of the building itself, with their own parts list.
The provided building instruction is segmented in different parts to make the building process easier.
The different segments are:
A) Command post “The Yellow Palace”
B) Conjunction building (between “The Yellow Palace” and “Hotel Carlo”)
C) Multi-purpose building “Hotel Carlo”
D) Shed 1 (beside Yellow Palace)
E) “Arbour” (I Assume just built for the movie but not there in reality)
F) Shed 2 (beside “Hotel Carlo”)
G) Baseplate (as “serving suggestion” to have a nice and complete diorama)
All the buildings are created as “stand-alone” modules, as long you don’t want the interior. If you want to have the interior as well, I recommend to build the house directly on a suitable baseplate - or even better – build it where you want to have it on your track layout at the end. If you want to build the entire diorama as shown in the picture here, I recommend to build the baseplate (module G) first, so later you can build the houses directly on the baseplate itself.
MOC stats:
Length: 250 studs
Width: 53 studs
Height: 48 studs
Weight: 11.6 kg (without interior)
Parts: 10,152 (without interior), 14,493 (with interior)
I provide a detailed step-by-step building instruction. At the end of it, you find an overview of all needed parts.
A print-ready sticker sheet is available too (in case the model contains stickers). I provide it in the widely used PDF-format in high-resolution and print-ready.
Furthermore, I provide the parts list in Excel format. This makes it easy to filter out needed parts and create order lists.
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any damages or injury on parts and humans happen while following my instructions. Everything you do is your responsibility and under your personal risk.
Link to the instruction and sticker files:
Link to more pictures of the model: