Not sure the headline is clear enough to describe what I am trying to say. This post is about using the Powered Up remote control (88010) to control a train with the traditional 9-volt train motor on 9-volt tracks. The power is supplied via the 9-volt tracks, not a battery box, which you have usually with Powered Up devices.
I know there is a solution out there using an old Interface B (Dacta Control Lab) and lots of electronic and program language knowledge, only few might have. So this isn't a solution for me actually.
My aim is to use 9-volt tracks (with 9-volt power supply via the tracks), the traditional 9-volt Lego® train motor (590) and the Powered Up Bluetooth remote control. Using this remote control, obviously it is necessary to have a Bluetooth receiver on board who understands the commands coming from the remote control. I wanted to use the remote control, not a mobile phone with an app. Especially for my kids, using the remote control is much easier and with the 9-volt system, I don't need to change the expensive batteries, so some environment-friendly aspect too.
So the challenge was on one hand to connect the 9-volt train motor with the remote control via the Powered Up battery box (which includes the Bluetooth receiver) and on the other hand to keep the original functionality of the modified items.
The solution isn't something for purists, this I can say already. But the result is nice and gives you lots of flexibility. It is necessary to modify the 9-volt train motor, as well as the Powered Up battery box, which will not longer be used, only the electronics with the Bluetooth receiver will remain. A modified wire is necessary too to connect 9-volt motor and the Bluetooth receiver. The 9-volt train motor can be used as normal 9-volt train motor - what you know already - but can be used with the Bluetooth remote control as well. Same for the modified Powered Up box electronics. After the modification, it can be used in the 9-volt configuration (with 9-volt motor and 9-volt tracks), but also as usual (including the two Powered Up sockets) with an extra battery box. So all modified components keep their original function.
With this modification it is possible to control several trains on one track independently.
You can download the instruction below for free as well as the sticker sheet and the wiring diagram.
Write me a message in case you have any questions about it, comments or requests.
DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any damages or injury on parts and humans happen while following this instruction. Everything you do is your responsibility and under your personal risk.
Video of how it works:
File Pack (free download):
If I did not want to go back to the 9 V use, but use the 9 V motor to be run by the Bluetooth. Do I still need to install the switch?