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Steam Engine BR99 of HSB (Harzer Schmalspurbahnen)

Writer: langematlangemat

The engines of DR Class 99.23 are metre gauge tank locomotives, that were procured by the Deutsche Reichsbahn (DR) in East Germany from 1954 to 1956. A total of 17 locomotives were bought by the Deutsche Reichsbahn for the railways of the Harzquerbahn and Brockenbahn, and for the line from Eisfeld to Schönbrunn to replace much of the very old fleet. The BR 99.23s are the most powerful narrow gauge German steam locomotives ever built. The locos can carry 4 tonnes of coal and 8,000 litres of water. The 17 DR-engines all still exist and are based in the Harz; some however are no longer working.


To the MOC:

First: even the title mentions it, this locomotive (my MOC) is not running on narrow gauge. It is running on Lego® standard tracks. The compatibility with the most used track system is the main reason for my decision. There are plenty of track types available for standard tracks but only few for the narrow-gauge tracks. And most of you have already the standard tracks.

Another change I decided for is the magnetic coupling and the buffers. Both make it very easy, to combine the locomotive with other existing waggons in your collection.


The locomotive can pass curves and turnouts down to R40. It is equipped with non-Lego® parts, such as the wheels, the battery box and the wheels. The instruction file contains detailed information about these parts and where to source it.

For more traction, the locomotive is equipped with two bricks with extra weight. I tested the locomotive with waggons and a total weight of 2.2 kg on flat laying tracks. It worked well. Inclines and higher loads were not tested.


Like all my MOCs, also the BR99 has an excellent stability without the hassle of parts falling apart (the use of a good parts quality provided) but still well detailed. A big advantage (at least for me) is that the coupling rods do not protrude over the vehicle frame, as is often the case with other steam locomotive MOCs and so, 8w models become 9w, 10w or even more.


MOC stats:

Length: 34.2 studs

Width: 8.8 studs

Height: 11.3 studs

Weight: 561g

Parts: 851

I provide a detailed step-by-step building instruction. At the end of it, you find an overview of all needed parts.

A print-ready sticker sheet is available too (in case the model contains stickers). I provide it in the widely used PDF-format in high-resolution and print-ready.

Furthermore, I provide the parts list in Excel format. This makes it easy to filter out needed parts and create order lists.


Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any damages or injury on parts and humans happen while following my instructions. Everything you do is your responsibility and under your personal risk.


Link to the instruction and sticker files:


Link to more pictures of the model:


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