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Santa Fe Super Chief Car Set 1

Writer: langematlangemat

In 1935 the Santa Fe inaugurated its premier first-class sleeping car train, the “Super Chief”.

The Super Chief was frequently patronized by Hollywood stars because of its fine accommodations, fine dining and fast 39 hr 45 min trip between Chicago and Los Angeles though the rich scenery of the American Southwest. It quickly became the most recognized train in the United States with its sleek silver and red warbonnet painted F units in the lead.


This Set contains four different cars of this famous train: the baggage and express car, the railway post office car, the dormitory lounge car and one ACF 10-6 sleeper car. The original cars were silver but duo to parts availability, I decided to bring the MOC in light bluish gray. But all visible light bluish gray parts are available in flat silver from alternative manufacturers or parts can easily exchanged with available flat silver parts (e.g. instead of brick 1x8 you need to use 2x brick 1x4).

All cars have interior, but you can decide whether you want the cars with or without interior. I provide separated part lists for the coaches and the interiors, so organizing the needed parts is easier.

MOC stats:

Length: 254.5 studs, 2036 mm

Width: 9.4 studs, 75 mm

Height: 14.0 studs, 112 mm

Weight: 3.6 kg (4.5kg with interior)

Parts: 3932 (5037 with interior)

I provide a detailed step-by-step building instruction. At the end of it, you find an overview of all needed parts.

Print-ready sticker sheets are available too (in case the model contains stickers). I provide it in the widely used PDF-format in high-resolution for DIY printing and as Adobe Illustrator file (.ai) for printing with professional print shops.

Furthermore, I provide the parts list in .csv and .xml format. This makes it easy to import the parts list on common platforms and create wanted lists.


Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any damages or injury on parts and humans happen while following my instructions. Everything you do is your responsibility and under your personal risk.


Link to the instruction and sticker files:


Link to more pictures of the model:


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