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Diesel Locomotive BR132 of the Deutsche Reichsbahn (version 2)

Writer: langematlangemat

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

The BR132 was a heavy-duty diesel locomotive, pulling long cargo trains but also passenger trains thanks to the electrical heater the locomotive is equipped with.

The BR132 belongs to the BR130 family. There are 4 different variants: BR130, BR131, BR132 and BR142. All look similar but eagle eyes can spot the differences easily. If you want to know more about this beautiful locomotive, this is a first taste:

This model is based on my previous MOC of the BR132 (TV-004 / MOC-62517) but now it got more realistic dimensions and is closer to the scale of 1:43 (minifig scale). The original locomotive has a length of 20820 mm (60.5 studs), a height of 4590 mm (13.3 studs) and a width of 2950 mm (8.6 studs).

The MOC would need a motorization concept or a ghost wagon to move it. Like the previous version also the longer one can pass tracks with R40 without issue but because of the total length of the model and the resulting curve overhang, I recommend larger radii for this longer model.

As I mentioned above already, my MOC represents the BR132 variant of the Deutsche Reichsbahn, capable to pull cargo as well as passenger trains. As the original, the MOC has six axles. To ensure a smooth passing of the small Lego® curves, the middle axle is moveable.

The MOC stats:

Length: 59.0 studs

Width: 8 studs (with door handle 8.9)

Height: 13.9 studs

Weight: 1200 grams

Parts: 1656

I provide a detailed step-by-step building instruction. At the end of it, you find an overview of all needed parts.

A print-ready sticker sheet is available too (in case the model contains stickers). I provide it in the widely used PDF-format in high-resolution and print-ready.

Furthermore, I provide the parts list in Excel format. This makes it easy to filter out needed parts and create order lists.

Upon request, I can provide the physical stickers for the model, complete with kiss-cut. The shipping of the stickers is under your own risk and will be sent via non-registered mail to keep the cost on a reasonable level. The sticker sheet will be cut to fit in a smaller envelope. The cost for the sticker service will be additional USD 45.00.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any damages or injury on parts and humans happen while following my instructions. Everything you do is your responsibility and under your personal risk.

Link to the instruction and sticker files:

Link to more pictures of the model:


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